March 23, 2017
Southwest Tech President and graduates give thanks to Cedar City Rotary Club and explain how their scholarships and support are benefiting the community
Southwest Technical College (Southwest Tech) gave thanks to Cedar City Rotary Club for their support and scholarships at the weekly Rotary luncheon. College President, Brennan Wood, stated, “We very much appreciate the ongoing support from the Cedar City Rotary Club. They have been a phenomenal advocate for Southwest Tech and are truly helping us achieve the goals we set out to accomplish.”
Mishelle Cacho, a recent Southwest Tech graduate, was a recipient of a Cedar City Rotary Club scholarship and is now a small business owner. She expressed her appreciation to the Rotary club in providing her the amazing opportunity to further her education. Another recent graduate, Bennett Olsen also received a scholarship from the Rotary last fall when he was recognized as the “Southwest Tech Student of the Year.” Bennett Olsen recently graduated from the Automotive Technician Program and is working full-time for Cedar City Motor Company. Bennett has also been recognized as Utah’s “2017 UCAT Student of the Year” and represents the state as an ambassador to technical education.
Brennan Wood presented to the Rotary the growth that Southwest Tech is experiencing and how Rotary scholarships have helped aid that growth. “We are very proud to support Southwest Technical College, and are excited about the College’s progress and impact that it is making in the lives of its students and our community,” said David Westwood, President of the Cedar City Rotary Club.